
Disk in the Night Sky

  Disk in the Night Sky Witness:  Sajad Location:  Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Date of Sighting:  April 22, 2007 I was working security night shift far away from the main city. Around 3:00 AM, I saw something in the sky. It was not a plane or helicopter, for it was flying too low and did not make any noise. It travelled not straight but in a curvish direction. There were 2 or 3 lights: white and red. It seemed disk shaped and very flat. It disappeared into the sky very fast. It took me a few minutes to realize what I had seen and though I myself did not believe in aliens and UFOs, it was an eye opener for me. I still question myself if I really saw what I saw. Australia Close Encounter: 1 Melbourne Victoria

Baseball Size Object

  Baseball Size Object Witness:  Pam Location:  Atlanta, Georgia Date of Sighting:  1965 I was about 11 years old, and visiting my grandparents in Atlanta for the summer. For several days, while playing in the backyard, I found myself constantly looking behind me with a strong feeling I was being watched. I would look at the house anticipating it to be my grandmother at the window watching me. It was always a very strong feeling whenever playing in the yard. One day, I kicked my ball and it went alongside the house where the fence ran. As I turned the corner and bent down to pick up my ball, something caught the corner of my eye as it whizzed past me. Not really making any audible sound or anything, I could ever describe. It went past the fence and overshot me. Even as a young girl, I could tell it had been watching me. It was almost like it knew it had been seen so it came out from the bush and cautiously approached me. It was about the size of a baseball and metal, but not. It did no

UFO Seen In Gettysburg

  UFO Seen In Gettysburg Witness:  Tim Heckman of Coal Region Ghost Hunters Location:  Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Date of Sighting:  January, 2006 Before there where ghosts at Gettysburg there were UFO sightings at Gettysburg, and still are to this day. There are lights in the sky that can’t be explained. For years now people living in and around the town have been seeing UFOs, but not too many people seem to care due to all the ghost hunting that is going on. People go to Gettysburg to see ghosts, not UFOs. How many UFO stories could have been reported if people would just look up, rather than keeping there eyes straight ahead on the battlefield looking for ghosts? I was with a few of my friends one night back in January of 2006. It was Saturday night and the reason we were there was the temperature that day was in the 40s. That’s warm for a day in the Winter in Pennsylvania. I thought this would be a great day for ghost hunting at the military park, because not too many people go to Ge

Triangle Over Arizona

  Triangle Over Arizona Witness:  Brandon Location:  Mohave Valley, Arizona Date of Sighting:  Summer 2004 On my way home one night with my then-girlfriend, we just passed Boundry Cone Road on Highway 95 near Oatman. A few cars in front of us were slowing down, and I think I pulled over, and the next thing I saw was a large round amber colored light above us, and a few more lights followed making seven round lights forming a triangle. Whatever it was, it was large and it seemed to go with the flow of the cars which kind of made me nervous. It stayed for a minute or so. The lights slowly disappeared in the order they appeared. As I got closer to my home I saw it re-appear as it did before, this time it was above Needles, California, which is right across the river. I later heard about a similar object being seen in Phoenix which is four hours away (now known as the Phoenix lights). I wish I could have gotten it on camera. Arizona Close Encounter: 1 Mohave Valley

Five Bright White Lights

  Five Bright White Lights Witness:  Mark Location:  Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada Date of Sighting:  Summer 1991 It’s been many years now, but I can recall what I saw as if it happened yesterday. I was never really interested in UFOs, and didn’t consider reporting my sighting at the time. I was at my parents’ home in rural Nova Scotia, about 2 miles east of the small town of Wolfville. It was a clear summer afternoon. I was 31 years old, quite sane and sober, about to start my university education (I now have a master’s degree). Glancing out the big rec room window, which I frequently did to look for the bald eagles that perched in the distant trees, I saw bright lights in the sky. They didn’t move at all, there was nothing between them but blue sky, and they were definitely not attached to any airplane. There were 5 bright white lights, all in a row and equidistant. If you hold out your arm and spread your hand as wide as you can, that’ll give you the approximate size of what I saw

Early Morning Round Object Above The Street

  Early Morning Round Object Above The Street Witness:  gizzie42 Location:  Phillips, Texas Date of Sighting:  May 1983 I am going by my nickname so you can print all of this encounter if you wish. I have had a few sightings. I have always been interested in UFOs ever since I was a little girl after watching the movie about the encounter that Betty and Barney Hill had, and always told my mom to wake me up if she ever saw one late at night since she didn’t always sleep well due to the illnesses that she had. The UFO that I will always remember is when at 2:00 AM in the morning, she woke me up to ask me if I wanted to see a real UFO and I jumped up and ran outside to my front yard to see a large round object hovering 20 feet above the street lights about 8 houses down from mine. We watched it for about 5 to 10 minutes, and it turned and slowly headed straight for my house. When it got to my house it picked up at great speed and went directly up into the sky at and incredible speed to whe

Multi-Colored Light in the Sky

  Multi-Colored Light in the Sky Witness:  Mary Ann Location:  Kamiah, Idaho Date of Sighting:  Summer 1957 The first time I ever saw anything weird was when one of my brothers and I were watching a strange multi colored light hover in the night sky over a nearby mountain. We were watching with binoculars. All of a sudden, it lowered to and behind the mountain. It lit up the entire top of the mountain. We knew how to get where we thought it might have landed, but we definitely were too scared to go check it out. I was 12 years old, I think. The last time I saw anything I know was a UFO, was when my (a Sunday school teacher, level headed, non-drinker, never used drugs) and I were eating dinner on her patio about 5:00 PM one summer afternoon. The sky was as clear as clear could be, and very blue. We both glanced towards the same mountain I mentioned before and saw a perfectly round disk lower slowly down to behind the mountain. It looked like a highly polished baby moon hubcap like Volks