Story of the curupira, the terror of the forests - Very
Saiba tudo sobre o pica pau Story of the curupira, the terror of the forests - Very dangerous, beware The Curupira is a figure from Brazilian folklore who is known for being the guardian of the forests and for protecting wildlife. He is described as a fantastic being, usually depicted as a red-haired boy with his feet turned backwards. According to legend , the Curupira inhabits the forests and has the power to punish those who want to destroy the environment. When hunters, woodcutters or people who disrespect nature enter the forest, the Curupira makes noises, whistles and knocks on trunks to scare them away. In addition, his footprints point in the opposite direction, causing the invaders to get lost and move away from the path. The exact origin of the Curupira myth is uncertain, but it is believed that this legend arose among the indigenous peoples of Brazil . The name "Curupira" comes from the Tupi-Guarani language and there is disagreement among experts as to its exa...