
Mostrando postagens de outubro, 2023


  REVIEW: WHAT ON EARTH? INSIDE THE CROP CIRCLE MYSTERY August 27, 2009   Lee Prosser   Books and Documentaries What on Earth? Inside the Crop Circle Mystery By Suzanne Taylor Publisher: Mighty Companion (July 2009) Time: 81 minutes – Price: $24.95 Review by Lee Prosser review This is definitely one of the most up-to-date and detailed looks at the ongoing crop circle mystery found throughout the world today, and it offers much information which will stun and fascinate the viewer. Well-conceived and interesting, this look at the intricate crop designs found on farmers’ farms and fields. The discovery of mathematical information found encoded in the crop formations is a true revelation that is astounding in its concepts and conclusions. The information should cover all current questions crop circle watchers will want to have on hand, and apply to their own searches. The documentary DVD comes with bonus material, including a tribute to John Mack. A crop circle montage and f


  REVIEW: UFOS: THE GREAT DEBATE: AN OBJECTIVE LOOK AT EXTRATERRESTRIALS, GOVERNMENT COVER-UPS, AND THE PROSPECT OF FIRST CONTACT April 21, 2009   Lee Prosser   Books and Documentaries UFOs: The Great Debate: An Objective Look at Extraterrestrials, Government Cover-Ups, and the Prospect of First Contact By J. Allan Danelek Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (December 2008) Pages: 237 – Price: $15.95 Review by Lee Prosser review J. Allan Danelek’s  UFOs: The Great Debate  is an entertaining, educational look at extraterrestrials, UFOs, prospects for first contact, and the numerous government cover-ups. It is a book that will interest those interested in such topics, and for a fine introduction to the material, Danelek offers to the reader a first rate reading experience. There are no photos or illustrations to distract from the excellent prose which develops its themes in clearly written and enjoyable language. Nothing is left to chance. If there is something to be said, J


  LIGHTS OVER GETTYSBURG Witness:  Sandra Brown Location:  Near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Date of Sighting:  July 3-4, 2009 Two red and yellow objects past over our tent. It was about 8:45 in the evening. There was a little distance between them and they seemed to pulse. As they came overhead one moved a little head of the other and moved off in another direction. The other one slowed down to barely moving. It seemed to pulse, then went dark, but we could still see the outline of this object and it was round with depth. It move on across the sky. The two objects crossed the sky from one side to the other. So we had a few minutes to watch. We were at the reenactment of the battle  of Gettysburg, so this is in the country/farmland


  THE BALL OF LIGHT FOLLOWED MY TRUCK Witness:  [Name Withheld Upon Request] Location:  East of County Road 300, Kokomo, Indiana Date of Sighting:  February 2004 I was on my way home from work at approximately 8:30p.m. on a country road, when I noticed a spot light to my left reflecting off a plowed bean field staying right beside me but not on my truck. It was feet round. I slowed, it slowed, I thought maybe a plane or helicopter was over there. I came to a place to pull over by a bridge and when I did I came to a complete stop and stepped out of the truck. The light stopped, then grew to an almost blinding bright then shot behind some trees, then straight up in a very thin beam of light and disappeared.

Found: The Footprints of Adam and Eve From A World Before Our Own

  Found: The Footprints of Adam and Eve From A World Before Our Own An enigma with which I dealt extensively in  Worlds Before Our Own  has to do with what appear to be humanoid footprints which are found widely scattered in the geologic strata suggestive of a quarter of a billion years ago. This “What’s-it That Walked Like a Human” left shoe prints, sandal prints, and barefoot prints on sands of time that have long since hardened into rock. An early ancestor of our own species is supposed to have evolved only in the late Tertiary period and is therefore only about one million years old, but fossilized humanlike footprints have been found in rocks from the Carboniferous period to the Cambrian period, thus offering mute, but dramatic, testimony that some bipedal creatures were walking about from 250 million to 500 million years ago.  The fossil tracks of both bare and shod feet of a decidedly humanoid impression have been found in sites ranging from Virginia and Pennsylvania, through Ke


 S TRANGER LIGHTS OVER CRIPPLE CREEK, COLORADO Witness:  Dré Fordham Location:  Cripple Creek, Colorado Date of Sighting:  November 15, 2013 In November of 2013, I attended a ghost-hunting event at the Hotel St. Nicholas in Cripple Creek Colorado. On the night of the 15 th , I was having dinner with friends at Maggie’s Restaurant on 3 rd  Street. After being seated, I realized I had left my phone in the car so I walked back to the parking lot across the street. As I was headed back to the restaurant, I stopped in the middle of the street because I felt a tickle in my stomach. This was a familiar tickle that I have felt when listening to low frequencies. Because I was not hearing anything detectable, it made me stop to wonder. As I stood there, I looked up the street and into the sky. I could see many lights surrounding, what I at first thought was a huge craft. You would think that during a moment like this, someone might get really excited. But I not only felt calm, but also numb, mor

The Loch Raven Damn Incident

  The Loch Raven Damn Incident Halloween has always been a time of ghosts and goblins, when children (and some adults) dress up as their favorite characters, venturing into the night in search of good candy or even a trick or two.  For two men, Halloween 1958 would become something more than just fun and games. For shortly before Halloween of that year, they would find that holiday to be a time when that barrier between the real and the unreal becomes the thinnest. Twenty seven year old Philip Small and twenty four year old Alvin Cohen were driving home at about 10:30pm on the night of October 26, 1958. As they approached a bridge on the Loch Raven Reservoir just north of Baltimore, Maryland, they saw an egg-shaped craft floating just above the bridge. The object floated above the bridge at a height of 100 to 150 feet and emitted a luminescent white light. As the car approached, its electrical system failed and the engine stopped running. Drifting to a stop, the two got out of the car

Review: UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks The Truth

  Review: UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks The Truth UFO Mysteries: A Reporter Seeks The Truth By Curt Sutherly Publisher: Llewellyn Publications (2001) Pages: 228 Price: $12.95 Review by Scott Fowler review UFO Mysteries  is a whirlwind tour of over fifty years of UFO history. Often told from the perspective of one who directly involved in many of the investigations, Curt Sutherly manages to capture the most important UFO case histories in an engaging way. Cases include the unknown object that crash landed in Roswell, New Mexico and a strange radioactive object that crashed into a lake in New Hampshire. Sutherly details the incidents over Washington D.C. and the infamous Michigan “swamp gas” incident that dogged Dr. J. Allen Hynek the rest of his career. UFO Mysteries  is a good read, especially for someone looking for information on where UFOs came from and where they are heading. Click here  to buy this book now.

Numerous Strange Incidents Reported From Across Pennsylvania During 2007

  Numerous Strange Incidents Reported From Across Pennsylvania During 2007 UFO & Bigfoot Encounters Among Anomalies Reported From 37 Counties Pennsylvania continued to be active with strange incidents during 2007, as residents from 37 counties in the Commonwealth reported mysterious events. Among the oddities reported were UFO sightings, Bigfoot encounters, strange animal sightings, and odd sounds and footprints. It is now approaching 49 years, since I first began my research into these ongoing mysteries at age 10. It was during the 1960’s when I began to conduct on scene investigations of UFO sightings and other strange events reported by the public. I started to take phone calls from the public in 1969 concerning these incidents, and since then I have been involved with the investigation of thousands of mysterious encounters from throughout the Keystone State. Today, I still take calls from the public, and continue to document and investigate current reports of such activity. Whi