Funny Games, Not so FUNNY | best horror and suspense

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Funny Games, Not so FUNNY!!!

April 1st  04:28
Funny Games, Not so FUNNY!!! That's what I felt when I left the theather that night when i first saw the waste of Ten dollars and fifty cents movie. Of course that was my fault for not looking deeper into the movie's details. Fooled by advertisments which I felt were so far fetched for this movie. Knowing that other Independant films were better and got less reconized. I think that the olny thing I can do now is whine and cry about this disaster of torture film. I felt like trying to hunt down Naomi Watts, going up to her. ( If I got pass security!!!!) And saying, "Hey Ten-fifty, right here!" While extending my right hand out, palm facing up. If you don't get that, don't worry. Only Old "Will and Grace" fans would get it.

Now where can I start out first, the acting? No, because to be honest. The actting was superior. The colors and speical effects. No, because there was great effects to the films. Not like some of horror films where you can tell CGI and Green screen. ( One of my Pet Peves!) I think I should start of with the biggest comment that most of US society pointed out. " DRAGGED OUT!!!!" Oh my Bloody God!" Did this film know to push people to go theather hopping. I should have seen "Hortan Here A Who". I mean, come on John Carpenter came out with better ways of dragging things out and yet there was still something erie that made you want to stay. Now that's for most of his films. Halloween, The Fog, The Thing, ETC.

Another thing, if you seen the ads for this movie. You would have to agree with me that the people that review sold us out. Telling us that it was so great, to be honest they must have paid people to sit for this movie. Oh well, teaches me a lesson that I should have know already since I have done this before with many movies. Fooled again!! Those damn movie reviewers.

But what really got me about this film is how people on the internet, still say that this film, this remake from Germany. Had a point. "It's a realism meant to demonstrate how people who enjoy such movies are accessories to the proliferation of violence in media, and Haneke pulls it off with a master's touch." That was a comment from Matt Kelemen
Las Vegas CityLife. On Rotten Tomatoes. Which yes I can see his point of view. But Master's touch!!! I don't think so. Others have done the same thing to prove a point and yet it didn't take so long. I felt like this movie was a deliverance of lies.

Showing one thing, making people asume another and then delivering a point that I aready knew (others did too) and didn't feel like hearing. The truth is that most people who saw this film were mislead if they didn't know that it was a remake and what the point was about. I hate Directors who do that because in a nut shell it's like saying, " Ha ha, We Got your money dumb shit for a film you though you were about to see and didn't get the satisfaction you wanted!!"

I want a film that delivers and doesn't lie to me. I want what i pay for. But I keep on forgetting, " You don't always get what you pay for!" That's the truth! So this "REMAKE" which isn't because if you watch The germany version from the same director, Michael Haneke. It's done shot to shot. After this movie and walking out from the film i wanted to cry. For being so stupid and not looking into the film. Next time I will know better. Like I said before, "Funny Games, Not so FUNNY!!!!"

Now with all that said and done. Please respond. maybe you can change my mind for my love for Mindless entertainment.. If not, please rip on this film and it bull. As for the other's that have responded to my first blog. "THANK YOU!!!!" "THANK YOU!!" "THANK YOU!!!" I enjoyed it and will think about them. Like I said before not the best on blogging, so will take any advice and tips. Look forward from more people.


 Fonte Namikaze

Pica pau

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