
Are UFO Sightings Still a Mystery?

  Are UFO Sightings Still a Mystery?   Category:  Ufo Sightings UFO  Sightings Still a Mystery? UFO is the abbreviation for unidentified flying objects that are the mystery of the sky. It is still a mystery if they exist or not. There are many reports on area 51  aliens  by competent observers of objects which cannot be identified by the witness and remain unidentified after investigation by competent investigators. These appearances indicate that they were manufactured and the flight behavior indicates that they were manufactured somewhere other than the  Earth . In addition, they seem to be under intelligent control. Many of these reports are confirmed by multiple witnesses and corroborated by trace evidence such as radar, photographs, video and landing marks. Some of these objects interfere with national defense systems such as nuclear warheads. While these objects seem to be under intelligence control, their source is a matter of speculation. When considered along with the testimon

UFOs (unidentified flying objects) and Antigravity

    Saiba tudo sobre o pica pau UFOs (unidentified flying objects) and Antigravity UFOs, short for unidentified flying objects, is an anomaly that is observed over the surface of the earth and that is not immediately identifiable to the viewer of the object. Although the term UFO can refer to any object, including natural phenomena, such as the  planet Venus , popular culture, especially Hollywood, has made the term synonymous with spacecraft visiting from other planets. There are thousands of people from around the world who view UFOs each day. This, however, does not mean that they have seen something unusual. What are UFOs? Proponents of the hypothesis that UFOs have extraterrestrial origin argue that they cannot be natural phenomena or craft made by humans because they exhibit flight behavior that defies our present understanding of physics. Therefore, they must be propelled by some exotic form of propulsion mechanism that is Classical Physics not predicted by the main theories of

Baltic Sea UFO Update New pictures June 28, 2012

  Baltic Sea UFO Update New pictures June 28, 2012 Share Is there finally concrete evidence of the existance of UFOs? On June 11 2011 a group of divers who normally make their living from locating wrecks made a  sonar  scan of a section of the  Baltic Sea . What they found surprised everyone. The divers went down and came back with more questions instead of answers. It became known as the Baltic Sea Mystery or The  Baltic Sea UFO . The sonar scan last year, the subject of the first of the videos below, showed an almost circular shape that many think resembles a UFO. Others say that it is just an unusual rock. Rock or not the object seems to effets mobile phone signals as calls can not be made while the vessle is over the object. Baltic Sea UFO The area is not divable all year round and even then it is not easy to get to at 85m. Baltic Sea UFO Baltic Sea UFO Baltic Sea UFO This second video has an update on the  Baltic Sea UFO  story. But, alas no answers just more questions. We would r

Area 51 – BBC Film Crew Caught In Secret Air Base

  Area 51 – BBC Film Crew Caught In Secret Air Base   Category:  Area 51 Revealed Area 51  Guards armed with M16  assault rifles  forced them to lie face-down for three hours while the  FBI  ran security checks. The 12-man crew visited the infamous Area 51 in Nevada, “where it is claimed bodies of  aliens  are held”, to make a documentary about  UFOs . The Beeb team “including comic Andrew Maxwell” ignored warnings to slip past security and film inside the fence. Area 51 Security Moments later military cops surrounded them and confiscated their phones, wallets and IDs.  UFO  expert Darren Perks, 34, said one of the cops told him: “Listen, son, we could make you disappear and your body would never be found.” The crew “filming an episode of BBC3’s Conspiracy Road Trip” were fined £375 each and ordered not to reveal what they saw. But Darren admitted: “We didn’t see anything except a bit of tarmac”. Original Story by CHRIS POLLARD:

Aliens And Humans Genetically Related?

  Aliens And Humans Genetically Related? Aliens And  Humans  Genetically Related? Is it possible that humans have a genetic history with aliens? And could this explain claims of  UFO sightings  and  alien abductions  all these years? Have we thoroughly researched the possibilities that may explain the void in our evolutional history? And if so, how accepting would we be if the results revealed the unthinkable? Some of us would absorb the possibility with an open mind while others, moulded from the schooling of beliefs would dispose of this without question. On the other hand however, it is believed and written that something very unusual interfered with the  evolution of Homo sapiens . And it is stated that 30,000 to 10,000 years ago the unexplained arrival of a new kind of man took place. Where they came from at the time of course was never considered. But this modernized man lived and evolved along side our  Neanderthal  ancestors  inter-breeding  with them. They were called the  Ple

UFO? I Saw One - An Unidentified Flying Object

    Saiba tudo sobre o pica pau UFO? I Saw One - An Unidentified Flying Object by  UFO ? I saw a UFO on Monday morning. This is only the second one I ever saw and the other one was about thirty-five years ago. I live in  Galway, Ireland  and I was driving my children to school last monday when I saw some lines of cloud in a clear blue sky. I was looking at them and wondering if they were natural formations,  jet trails  or the so-called chemtrails. UFO similar to what I saw Then I noticed what at first glance I thought was a jet. Then I noticed that it was moving into and out of the cloud/chemtrail. In an unnatural way. I did not yet think it was a UFO. It looked metallic and did not appear to have wings. I told my boys about it, but was having difficulty pointing it out to them because I was driving and the object was tiny. Then when the traffic stopped again so that I could look again myself, it was gone. The sky was clear so if it was anywhere in the area, I would have seen it. If i