
Mostrando postagens de setembro, 2023

Aliens Here On Earth?

  Aliens Here On Earth? by  Aliens Here On Earth? Article by Gwen Bartholomew Watching the film Men in Black, and their usual tenant screening on aliens here on earth, may be what we call hilarious. A film where a secret government agency deals with species from outer space, like an immigration agency (complete with document presentation and other tools usually seen in airports) is one for a killer imagination. But if there is one thing that would keep us from laughing, and go thinking instead, is the conceptualization of this film: aliens living among us.... Magazine articles, comics, blogs, and movies (even mythologies), have presented the idea of alien life here on earth as a possibility. If there is a strong possibility that myths pictured by the ancients are based from facts, what are the possibilities that "life as we know it" have more than what meets the eye. A feature article on Discover Magazine presented the idea alternative life forms living among us. It could be

Loch Ness Monster – One of the most famous creatures of Cryptozoology

  Loch Ness Monster – One of the most famous creatures of Cryptozoology.   Category:  Loch Ness Monster Loch Ness Monster – One of the most famous creatures of Cryptozoology For a long time the Loch Ness Monster has been a creature of cryptozoology that has been sighted in the Lake (Loch) Ness in Scotland. This creature resembles a large aquatic serpent plesiosaur, which today is best known as Nessie, a nickname given by its fans, whether existing or not, the monster is a celebrity today. In fact, there are video cams and web cams on different points of the lake waiting for Nessie to be caught. Many people have relocated to tents and mobile homes nearby waiting for the long time awaited “idol” in which there is a reward for whoever sees him arise from the depth of the waters either live or through the cams installed for that purpose. There are many theories surrounding the Loch Ness Monster. Considering the time from when it was first reportedly seen to today, it is possible that any a

UFO and Alien Presence in Human History

  UFO and Alien Presence in Human History UFO and Alien Presence in Hum7an History Unusual objects being spotted in the sky and drawings of strange-looking little men have formed long before the existence of modern man. The first depiction of cylindrical objects shaped like UFOs is shown in a 47,000 year old, Neanderthal-age drawing that was found on the rocks and mountains in Hunan Province, China. UFO skeptics suggest that many people have seen objects in the sky that they cannot identify, but to any astronomer, these perceptions may just be a weather balloon, a star, or a meteor. Some people have even mistaken lenticular clouds for UFOs. Yet, true believers bring up the lengthy history of alleged UFOs and their alien passengers as proof that these sightings are phenomena that go far beyond science. According to UFO researchers and enthusiasts, the history of alien creatures and spacecraft is found all over the world in the forms of art work, oral legends, tablets, monuments, and pet

A different approach to the alien theory

  A different approach to the alien theory by  A different approach to the alien theory Article by Simon Bridge There has always been a clash in what we see and what we believe. Life is all about how we perceive it. Some consider it beautiful, some consider it to be struggle and some perceive it as a school of learning. There has been and there always will be a difference in our perceptions. What changes the facts are how we perceive them. For example, if we take half a glass of water, to some it looks to be half empty and to some it looks to be half full. In short, to every theory there is a difference in opinion as to how we see it. Similarly, when we talk about ‘Aliens’ or the ‘Alien world’, there are different opinions and views about the existence. The very word makes us imagine all that is supernatural. We have seen a lot of movies about the Alien world. Can you recall the funny characters with a horn on the head, or robotic eyes or the 2 feet high power

Aliens Are Out to Get Us – Or Are They?

  Aliens Are Out to Get Us – Or Are They? Share Aliens Are Out to Get Us .   At least that’s what  Stephen Hawking  thinks, and its hard to argue with someone who spends his time developing theories of  time travel  and unraveling the mysteries of black holes. In a new documentary for the  Discovery Channel , Hawking warns that we shouldn’t be hoping to be contacted by alien races. In his estimation, given the vastness of the universe, the existence of intelligent life is a mathematical probability. However, if they come for a visit, it won’t be good news. He believes that they would most likely be searching for more resources, having exhausted their own. So, if they arrive here, they won’t be coming in peace. Aliens Are Out To Get Us Aliens Are Out to Get Us? This isn’t a new idea. This scenario has been frequently used in science fiction – ABC’s “V”, “Independence Day”, and “The War of the Worlds”, just to name a few. Why is it such a popular concept? For one, every story needs confl

Alien Encounter – Space Alien DNA Left Behind

  Alien Encounter – Space Alien DNA Left Behind Share Alien Encounter  – Space Alien  DNA  Left Behind Alien DNA Some folks, skeptics and scoffers, are not going to believe in the  existence of Aliens  from other worlds manning UFO’s unless they land in their backyards and ask for directions or to call a tow. And, even then, I do not know whether that would convince a scoffing skeptic. Alien DNA I address this issue in my new book, I Was Abducted by Aliens But They Threw Me Back, in which I make the point that if you know you’ve been repeatedly abducted, for God’s sake, Velcro that digital camera to your wrist when you go to bed at night. Don’t leave the camera behind when you are planning on tooling down one of those deserted, “two-lane, come and abduct me because I am asking for it” highways where you will just be begging to get swooped up by a bunch of little Grey men (Why do repeat Abductees always drive down deserted highways at two in the morning?). Evidence is what is needed, ev

Is There Anybody Out There? - Alien Encounters

Is There Anybody Out There? - Alien Encounters by  Is There Anybody Out There? - Alien Encounters Personalised Calendars  are one of the greatest underrated presents. No, really they are! When you open yours up, probably along with a selection box on Christmas morning, you might scratch your head, but by January the 3rd, you've already added so many important things to your 12 identical personalised calendars that you can barely contain your excitement. Okay, that's silly. Maybe not 12, maybe 3, but still,  personalised calendars  are a popular gift for a reason. They're useful and unlike their tacky, plain, impersonal counterparts, personalised calendars are just that, they are personal. They speak directly to the person they're intended for and they say something meaningful. If, however, your gift recipient is a UFO chasing, Sci-fi loving, obsessive conspiracy theorist, a personalised calendar probably won't say anything meaningful to them. Apart from their name a

Crop Circles and UFOs – Prophecy

  Crop Circles and UFOs – Prophecy Share UFOs  and  crop circles , are they related? Supernatural Communications? Who from? In this quick article I would like to deal with the confusion that many are heading for in many areas as a results of selected phenomena which could be taking place. Recently, Google Videos highlighted several quick video clip clips on  crop circles , which involved UFOs. Crop Circles You’ll be in a position to do a Google search to look at them. The reality is, I prefer to recommend that you do see them. The complex patterns of this sort of  crop circles  are astounding. They’re showing up in growing numbers in large  scale models  in many places all over the earth. I am convinced they’re a fulfillment of  ancient prophecies  that were made around the time of Christ. This text will tackle they contain and what they may indicate. Crop Circles Crop circles  are complex geometric designs that appear in crop fields, usually during the night. Aerial photos and movie f

The Ongoing Story of the Loch Ness Monster

  The Ongoing Story of the Loch Ness Monster by The Ongoing Story of the Loch Ness Monster Article by Monsters and Myths Loch Ness is located in the North of Scotland and is one of a series of interlinked loch's which run along the great Glen. For many years now this has been the home of likely the most famous lake monster in history the "Loch Ness Monster" or better know as "Nessie". There have been nessie sightings going on in the loch for at least the last 100 years. Through many sightings and media reports the legend of nessie has continued to grow throughout the years. Loch Ness is a massive loch reaching twenty two and a half miles long and between one and one and a half miles wide with depths in the range of 750-800 ft. It is the largest fresh water body of water in Britain. The loch is thought to have been connected to the ocean at two different points in history lending credence to the fact that large creatures could have become trapped in the loch. The

Abduction by Aliens in UFOs – What Is Really Going On?

  Abduction by Aliens in UFOs – What Is Really Going On? Share Stories of people, and especially children and youth, that tell of  abduction by aliens  in UFOs are common around the world, but especially in the western societies. These stories are so consistent that one is lead to believe that there is something physically real behind the stories, and that many details in them are true. Abduction By Aliens But are those behind this activity really alien beings? Probably they are not, and here is an alternative explanation suggested: The memories of  abduction by aliens  are based on memories from secret medical exams, procedures or experiments performed on children and young people under  anesthesia . Those behind these ordeals can be health authorities, child protective agencies, research institutions or diverse  secret services . The ordeals can take place at health centers, at schools, in kindergartens or the locales of child protective agencies. The anesthesia itself is not necessa

UFO Files: Tony Blair Briefed Alien Defence Policy

  UFO Files: Tony Blair Briefed Alien Defence Policy Share The  UFO Files , the advice was requested by Number 10 in 1998 as the government introduced the  Freedom of Information Act , allowing members of the public to seek details about “alien lifeforms”. After receiving a letter from a member of the public referring to a “cover-up” and urging him to consider making “all of the many and varied UFO reports and associated data” available, Mr Blair asked the Ministry of Defence for their policy. UFO Files In a lengthy reply, staff told him the ministry “has only a limited interest in UFO matters” but that they “remain open minded” about the existence of “ extraterrestrial lifeforms “. They added any release of information would require “substantial resources” they would be “reluctant to sanction”. UFO Files Mr Blair eventually wrote back to his correspondent, author and “UFO expert”  Nicholas Redfern , telling him information could be requested under the Freedom of Information Act, but w

UFO With Ancient Indian Origin

  UFO With Ancient Indian Origin Share UFO of  Ancient Indian  Origin It is assumed UFOs, i.e. flying saucers, are of alien or governmental military origin, but we are of another opinion, i.e.  Ancient India . The Indian link has recently emerged when Chinese identified  Sanskrit  documents in  Tibet  and sent them for translation to the College of Chandrigarh. What came, as a surprising discovery was the documents contained directions for developing interstellar spaceships. UFO With Ancient Indian Origin It is an effectively-identified truth that the Indian documents contain details on science and medicine, which are currently embraced, looked into and utilized by the Western planet. There are several genuine texts that are still untouched, as their translation from old Sanskrit to the existing languages is ongoing. UFO With Ancient Indian Origin Indian Emperor   Ashoka  formulated a “Secret Culture of the 9 Unfamiliar Men”: These guys were meant to catalogue the numerous sciences, wh