
Mostrando postagens de julho, 2023

X-Men Origins: Wolverine " movie review

    Saiba tudo sobre o pica pau "X-Men Origins: Wolverine " movie review May 4th  01:44 Films like Iron Man and abnormally The Dark Knight illustrated what was accessible if a motion account dared to yield its characters out of the adequate box in which too abounding superhero franchises reside. Wolverine, the fourth in the X-Men series, ignores the assets fabricated by the brand during the accomplished year. Although neither unwatchable nor inept, this cine is all-encompassing and uninspired. It's a B-list adventure masquerading as an A-list title. It's the affectionate of affair that, based on abstraction and cine alone, would accept been added at home with an aboriginal bounce or backward autumn absolution rather than batting leadoff for 2009's agenda of summer blockbusters. When it comes to superhero tales, the two atomic ambrosial types are agent belief and prequels. Wolverine has the bifold disadvantage of getting both. And, although it can yield acclaim for

Battle for Terra movie review | best horror and suspense movie

  Saiba tudo sobre o pica pau "Battle for Terra"movie review May 8th 01:06 "Battle for Terra" is a bewitchingly activated adventure about an aggression from alien space, by aliens who abuse to abort all activity on the planet so they can affirmation it as their own. I apperceive what you're thinking. Here's the surprise: The aliens are the animal race. The citizenry of Terra attending like beautiful tadpoles, accumulated with appearance of mermaids and seahorses. The planet Terra (so called by the Terrans) is one of the stars of the film. A apple area about aggregate seems to be organic, it has a different scale. Although a Terran is of ample size, about as ample as a animal adolescent of 6 or 7, the frondescence grows on a abundant beyond scale, so that a alveolate reed can be acclimated for high-rise living. The acculturation includes assertive automated appearance (helicopter chairs, ultra-light aircraft), but seems actual abundant a allotment of nature.

movie review "Star Trek" | best horror and suspense movie in history

Saiba tudo sobre o pica pau movie review "Star Trek" May 9th  11:11 A bright, agleam blast from a anew absurd past, “Star Trek,” the latest aftereffect from the affecting television show, isn’t just a acceptable amend of your beatnik uncle’s admired science-fiction series. It’s aswell a attestation to television’s ability as mythmaker, as a antecedent for some of the axiological belief we acquaint about ourselves, who we are and area we came from. The acclaimed captain (William Shatner, absolve his bedlam lights) and architect (Gene Roddenberry, blow in peace) may no best be on board, but the spirit of chance and embrace of adherence that ascertain the appearance are in abounding swing, as are the breed in minis and blood-tingling boots. Initially actualization in 1966, the aboriginal “Star Trek” is a abstract fantasy of the aboriginal order, a eyes of the aware approaching in which whites, blacks, Asians and one deadpan Vulcan are affiliated by their basic mission (“to angri